Rancang Bangun Sistem Penyortiran Botol Menggunakan Sensor Warna TCS34725 Berbasis Arduino Mega

  • Aisyiyah Nur Fitri Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
  • Marzuarman .
  • Stephan .
  • Wan M. Faizal
Keywords: Arduino Mega 2560, TCS34725 sensor, Conveyor, Servo Motors


Increasingly sophisticated technology has replaced manual equipment into automatic, so as to minimize time and effort in industrial processes. Sorting is one of the processes in the industry. For this reason, a tool was made that can sort bottles by knowing the label color. This tool consists of Arduino Mega 2560, TCS34725 color sensor, servo motor, DC motor (conveyor). There are two reservoirs that hold sorted bottles. The bottles to be sorted are bottles with green and red color labels. The reading of the light intensity value read by the sensor can be seen on the Arduino IDE serial monitor. Servo motors are also used in the sorting section because when the TCS34725 color sensor detects green with light intensity reaching >3 (G - R) and >10 (G - B) when detecting bottle labels, the servo lever will move 115º to sort the bottles.
