Rancang Bangun Otomatisasi Pengisian Air Berdasarkan Volume Berbasis Nextion 3,5” HMI UART

  • Diah Purnami Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
  • Marzuarman Marzuarman
  • Muharnis Muharnis
  • Khairudin Syah
Keywords: Nextion HMI, yf-S201 waterflow sensor, motor driver, conveyor belt


The industrial world requires a system that works effectively, efficiently and reliably. The era of modernization has also had an impact on industrial equipment, automation systems have been widely applied in many ways, one of which is in the water filling system. Many small and medium businesses use a system to fill water into bottles manually, so the operator must pay attention to the volume of water in the bottle when filling. For this reason, a tool was created with an automatic system for filling water into bottles based on the volume of water. This tool uses HMI nextion which can regulate water filling based on the desired volume and can work effectively. A water flow sensor will be used to detect the volume of water. Through the test data, it is obtained that the highest accuracy rate is 100% when filling a volume of 500 ml of water.
