Website Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) Pemetaan Industri Kecil Menengah (IKM) Kabupaten Bengkalis

  • Giri Gutriansyah Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
  • Desi Amirullah Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Keywords: MSME, IKM, Website, Mapping, GIS


Small and Medium Enterprises, commonly known as SMEs, are involved in the
production of various types of goods used in everyday human life. In Bengkalis itself, the role
of the local government in collecting information about the location and profiles of SME units
present and developing in Bengkalis Regency is still very low. This is indicated by the lack of
digital information related to the growth and development of SME units in Bengkalis
Regency. As a result, information about the existence of SME units in specific areas is
difficult for the general public to obtain. To address this issue, a Geographic Information
System (GIS) Website for Mapping Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Bengkalis
Regency was developed to facilitate the public in accessing information related to SMEs.The
creation of the Web GIS mapping for SMEs in Bengkalis Regency utilizes Leaflet as the base
map, PHP programming language, and Laravel as the framework. The website was tested
using the Black Box testing method, where testing of the Owner of SME and Public User
interfaces was directly carried out by business owners and the general public. This involved
testing each display or view to ensure that the data presentation on the view pages is
functioning properly. From the conducted testing, it can be concluded that the developed
features are successfully executed and functioning properly. This website facilitates the
collection and management of data on small and medium industries in Bengkalis Regency,
serving as a platform for SME actors to promote their businesses. On the public's side, it
makes it easier to find information related to SMEs in Bengkalis Regency
