The The Making of e-Guidebook of Historical Tourism Sites in Bengkalis City

  • Beni Situmorang Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Keywords: Guidebook, Historical, Tourism, Sites, Bengkalis


There are several regencies in Riau Province. One of them is Bengkalis with capital city is Bengkalis City. The main purpose of this final project is to know how the processes of making of an e-Guidebook of Historical Tourism Sites in Bengkalis City. It has several tourism objects including historical place and sites that can be visited. The method used in this research was descriptive method. There are several stages in the making of this guidebook, such as collecting data, searching for the photo, editing, and uploading of the guidebook. The result of this study consists of nine pages about historical tourism sites, an explanation of overview of Bengkalis City, map historical tourism sites, four pages of explanation of culinary, one page of explanation of shopping place, two page of explanation lodging place, a page of explanation of transportation and an about writer. In this study, several related experts were evaluated, who then gave some of their evaluations. Based on the evaluation result, this guidebook was interesting and can be one of the practical a promotional medium.
