Analisis Ulang Struktur Atas Gedung Serbaguna Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis (Tinjauan Balok Dan Plat)

  • Windi Eka Fitri Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Keywords: Analysis, Upper Structure, Reinforcement, ETABS v.16


In the Multipurpose Building of the Bengkalis State Polytechnic, visual observations in the field obtained several problems in the upper structure of the building, especially in beams and plates. So it is necessary to re-analyze the upper structure of the Bengkalis State Polytechnic Multipurpose Building (Beam and Plate Review) using SNI 1726: 2019, SNI 2847: 2019, and SNI 1727: 2020. The model is analyzed using ETABS v.16 software and for reinforcement planning on beams and plates is analyzed using a Special Moment Bearing Frame System (SRPMK). Based on the analysis, it is found that beam types 1,2,3 and 4 meet the requirements, starting from the dimensions to the reinforcement details. While beams 5,6, and 7 do not meet the requirements so that the dimensions and reinforcement details are recalculated. Then for the 120 mm thick floor plate using D13-100 reinforcement for the pedestal and D13-150 for the field.
