Aplikasi Perwalian Berbasis Website

  • Fitri Windah Sari Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
  • Sri Mawarni Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis



Along with the development of the Bengkalis State Polytechnic, the number of students and teachers will also increase. Bengkalis State Polytechnic will need a communication facility between lecturers and students, especially in academic advice. Technology has an important role as a communication tool in academic advisory activities. By utilizing technology, academic guidance activities will become easier, faster and more flexible because there are no place and time restrictions. With technology, data recording on the server will also be better. Therefore, a guardianship application is created that can assist the academic guidance process and record it in the database. Using a MySQL database as database storage media will improve performance. This application can be used to carry out academic guidance through the website.


Keywords: Academic Guidance, MySQL, Online, Website.
