Analisis Desain Air Craft Untuk Wahana Pariwisata Di Pantai Selat Baru


  • muhammad alfi riyanda mahasiswa


The design of the Air Craft ship with a Flat Bottom hull is a ship that will be used by the Bengkalis people as a vehicle for tourism on the Selat Baru beach. This plan aims to obtain Air craft ship data based on comparison ships, obtain the lines plan, General Arrangement, and find out the design characteristics that are in accordance with the distance of shipping routes around the Selat Baru beach. With a comparison ship of 10 units, the principal dimension of the ship is obtained, Lpp=5,3 m, B=2,08 m, H=0,61 m, T=0,32 m, Vs=13 knots, Displacement=2.505 tons. The process of design the hull using Maxsurf Modeler Advance, then modified using Autocad to get the lines plan and general arrangement designs.
