Aplikasi Monitoring Kelembapan Tanah dan Penyiraman Tanaman Cabai Otomatis Berbasis IoT
Monitoring soil moisture and watering chili plants is still done manually by farmers. Thats a problems with monitoring soil moisture and unevenly watering my pepper plants and the soil moisture does not stay between 60% and 80%. An IoT-based application for soil moisture monitoring and automatic watering of pepper plants uses an MCUESP8266 node, a soil moisture sensor, a DHT11 temperature sensor, and a relay to ensure that the soil humidity reaches 60°C. IoT) program. Create automatic watering if less than . 32.5°C or less. Drip irrigation using a PE hose enables uniform watering. Soil moisture, temperature and watering process can be monitored through a website application built with HTML, CSS, PHP, Firebase Realtime and MySQL databases. The monitoring website application displays information about the watering process, soil moisture and temperature, pepper watering and soil moisture status. The monitor page has three monitor page views. Data monitor home page, history page showing the last 20 records, detailed history page showing all data history, and ability to print data in XLS file format. Testing IoT systems and website monitoring applications uses a black box approach to test the behavior of IoT systems and websites.
Keywords : Application, Monitoring, Chili, Soil Moisture, Drip Irrigation