Promotion Strategy To Increas Sales In The Palm cake Business In Jangkang Bengkalis, Village

  • Sefti Almadani Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
  • Adrian Irnanda Pratama Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis


Business in Indonesia is experiencing positive developments along with the times. The world has now entered the era of globalization where in this era the industrial sector is needed to support the Indonesian economy. From this study the problems that arise are: How is the Promotions Strategy being carried out to increase sales in the palm cake business in Jangkang Bengkalis Village, Bengkalis. the purpose of this study with the title Implementation of Promotional Strategies to Increase Sales at the Palm Cake Business in Jangkang Bengkalis Village, namely: Bengkalis. This research is in the form of descriptive research, the type of research used is interviews. The promotion strategy to increase sales made by palm cake is through WhatApp and Facebook media. In increasing sales, the most effective promotion strategy carried out by Palm Sponge Cake is through social media such as Instagram and flyers. The implementation of the promotion strategy in the home industry of the joint blessing business has not been able to meet the criteria for a good promotion strategy, because there are several obstacles in carrying out sales promotions, promotions carried out both directly and through social media do not follow the development of technology and telecommunications. With the promotion strategy that has been described, the palm cake business can be even more active in carrying out promotional strategies both directly and on social media.
