Analisis Dampak Lalu Lintas (Studi Kasus : PT.Cemindo Gemilang Tbk)

  • Guruh Sawita Gara Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Keywords: Keywords : PT.Cemindo Gemilang, congestion standard


The development of the industrial area of ​​the city of Dumai at this time is not only in the field of petroleum (petroleum or palm oil), but has developed into other industries. One of the things that happened was the leasing of land in the area by PT. Persada Superior Energy (PT.EUP) to PT. Cemindo Gemilang which plans to build a packing plant. The construction of a new factory will have an impact on the traffic that occurs in the catchment area and will add to the traffic burden on the main roads. Therefore, it is necessary to make a study of the traffic impact that will occur along with recommendations for handling it.

Development of PT. Cemindo Gemilang which will be carried out within 5 and 10 years will come with, or in other words, carrying out additional activities, the resulting traffic generation will experience changes and provide additional loading on the sections but on the sections that are directly affected (catchment area). still below the congestion standard. The activity of the road sections that are passed will occur accumulation, this happens because, in the construction and development area, there are already several companies or other activities that cause traffic generation and attraction.
