The Influence Of Food Quality, Service Quality And Cafe Location On Customer Satisfaction At Pak Belalang Cafe

  • Linda Juriyanti Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
  • Yunelly Asra Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Keywords: Food Quality, Service Quality, Location and Customer Satisfaction.


This study aims to determine the effect of food quality, service quality and location on customer satisfaction at Pak Belalang Cafe. The independent variables are food quality, service quality and location and the dependent variable is customer satisfaction, all valid statements are valid and normal. The research method used is a quantitative approach by collecting primary data through a survey method by distributing questionnaires to 100 customers/consumers who have visited Pak Belalang Cafe. Data processing using the SPSS application program version 25. Based on the tests carried out, the results of this study showed a T-value of 1.984 for food quality, service quality variable with a T-value of 6.784 for location variable with a T-value of 4.189 indicating that food quality, service quality and location effect on customer satisfaction and the F test with a value of 164.497 which shows simultaneously food quality, service quality and location affect customer satisfaction, it can be seen from the R Square table of 83.7%. Variables of food quality, service quality and location can affect customer satisfaction variables. The relationship between food quality, service quality and location has 16.3% other variables that affect customer satisfaction in this study.
