Perbandingan Daya Dukung (CBR) Kondisi Soaked Dan Unsoaked Agregat Kelas B Berdasarkan Variasi Gradasi Lapangan (Studi Kasus : Material Agregat Kelas B di Quary Pulau Bengkalis)

  • JUNAIDI JUNAIDI Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Keywords: Class B aggregate, OMC, CBR soaked, CBR unsoaked


To overcome the problem of bearing capacity and low subgrade elevation of the road in the Bengkalis island area, it is necessary to build a class B aggregate pile before the construction of a concrete road or hot mix road. To determine the quality of the aggregate material, it is necessary to carry out a series of property tests. In this study, the study of road foundation layer aggregates in the form of class B aggregates came from 3 quarries on Bengkalis Island, with variations in different grading conditions. A series of tests were carried out to determine the correlation between CBR soaked and CBR unsoaked values with variations in water content. The results of the aggregate test from Quary 1, quary 2 and quary 3 respectively, among others. The optimum moisture content (OMC) is 6.5%, 6.0% and 5.5%. The maximum dry volume weight value is 2.246 gr/cm3, 2.164 gr/cm3, and 2.188 gr/cm3. CBR soaked decreased by 9.5% to 28.2% compared to CBR unsoaked.
