Desain dan Implementasi Komunikasi Control Robot Soccer Beroda Menggunakan User Datagram Protocol (UDP)

  • Azizul Azizul
  • Syaiful Amri Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
  • Nirwan Budiyanto Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
  • Muhammad Zamhuri Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Keywords: Wheel soccer robot, GUI (graphical user interface), UDP (user datagram protocol), NetBeans, serial communication


A wheel soccer robot is a robot which is programmed to play a soccer game in specific way such as a soccer game system with movement system by using wheels. In commonly, the wheel soccer robot is an automatically controlled by using camera and searching for an orange ball object. In this final project, the wheel soccer robot was designed to be able to control by using application of PC/Laptop GUI (graphical user interface) which is used NetBeans IDE (integreted development environment). The communication used in this system is UDP (user datagram protocol). GUI application controller will be operated on PC / laptop and connect it to mini PC robot with IP address connection system. The PC/Laptop controller will be given movement instructions data to the robot than, the data will be executed and forwarded to arduino board via serial USB port commucation. In controlling, the robot just can be used wifi network. The average distance that can be reached in this controlling is range of 125 meters.
