Desain Struktur Jembatan Komposit Sungai Pengalir Berdasarkan Pembebanan SNI 1725:2016 (Studi Kasus : Desa Sei. Injab, Kelurahan Terkul, Kecamatan Rupat)

  • Indriyani Puluhulawa
  • Fany Razita Harahap Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Keywords: Bridge, Composite Girder, SNI 1725:2016


Pengalir River Bridge is located in Sei. Injab village, Terkul Village, Rupat District. It
built in 2013 using the RSNI T-02-2005 for bridge loading standard. After RSNI T-02-2005
has been updated to SNI 1725:2016, this paper aims to use the loading standard from SNI
1725:2016 using type of bridge composite structure. New design purposes to determine the
effective dimensions using the loading standard from SNI 1725:2016. The design also uses
combination of SNI T-03-2005 for bridge steel and RSNI T-12-2004 for bridge concrete
bridge. Design results obtain a span length of 42 m with a width of 7,5 m and two continuous
spans. The girder profile uses WF 1200.300.18.30 as many as 6 girders. Shear connector is
high strength A325 bolt with D-19 mm and 125 mm high.
