Dasar Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Infrastruktur Jalan Kota Dumai

  • Muhammad Idham
  • M. Al Ikhsan Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Keywords: Transportation, Evaluation, Surveys


Dumai is one of the cities in Riau Province. Dumai City Government plans to
incorporate buses into public transportation modes because the population reaches 300
thousand people with vehicles that pass from inside and outside the city with heavy traffic
activities. With Average Daily Traffic which is experiencing congestion on the Jl Sudirman and
Jl. Sultan Syarif Kasim V/C Ratio > 0.85% while good road conditions 73.5% compared to
26.5%. It is necessary to make improvements in terms of transportation by conducting an in-
depth and detailed evaluation, whether the burden caused by the discourse can be applied
and whether the existing road conditions are ready to accept. Therefore, several studies or
surveys were carried out to support the data needed in making decisions on this matter
