Penerapan Metode Extreme Programming Pada Aplikasi Pemesanan Becak Online

  • Siti Maysa Rani Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
  • Danuri Danuri Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
  • Fajar Ratnawati Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Keywords: Framework Laravel, extreme programming


Pedicab transportation in the city of Bengkalis is still the main public transportation used by the people, but the marketing is still manual or conventional with the condition of pedicab drivers who do not use smartphones. It means that customers have to come to the pedicab base to be able to place an order for a rickshaw because there is no information on the telephone number of the rickshaw to be contacted and the price negotiation system. The purpose of this research is to create an online pedicab ordering application system by using the extreme programming method. The application is built using the PHP programming language with a Laravel framework and MySql as a database. This research produces an application that can help the pedicab driversĀ  increasing efficiency costs in order to compete with online transportation services, so that they do not lose their customers and can increase their income. This research carried out two tests, namely blackbox testing by testing the function of a web application with 6 system features, the results were in accordance with the system design, then compatibility testing was carried out again by testing how responsive this application was when run on various sizes.

Keywords : Framework Laravel, extreme programming
