Evaluasi Desain Dan Penempatan untuk Jembatan Penyeberangan Orang Dijalan Sultan Syarif Kasim Kota Dumai

  • Muhammad Ifransyah Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
  • Guwandi Guswandi Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
  • Juli Ardita Pribadi R Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Keywords: Design Evaluation, standard for determining facilities, AHP


Transportation mobility in the city of Dumai which is increasingly increasing requires the provision of pedestrian facilities such as pedestrian bridges. However, the existing Crossing Bridge is not used optimally because of the condition of the bridge precisely on the bridge floor which has been damaged so that it can endanger the crossers who will use it. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the design of the bridge whether it meets the standards and to find out what dominant factors affect pedestrians who cross using JPO and also evaluate the placement of the pedestrian bridge located on Sultan Syarif Kasim Kota dumai and analysis using interview techniques and questionnaire and standard for determining facilities and Analytical Heirarchy Process (AHP) method. The result of this thesis is that for the design of the bridge Crossing people have fulfilled the terms and conditions applicable in the regulations Procedures for Planning Bridge crossings for urban pedestrians No.027 / T / BT / 1995. from the results of the analysis with the method of Analytical Heirarchy Process (AHP) on the dominant factors of pedestrians and analysis with the standard of determining the facility that the location is more feasible to be constructed with Zebra Cross with a Pelican Crossing lamp.
