A Aplikasi Penggajian Karyawan Di PT Mayatama Solusindo Berbasis Website

  • Desiana Maharani Simamora Student
  • Muhamad Nasir Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Keywords: Application, PT Mayatama Solusindo, Website, Attendance


Mayatama Solusindo is currently one of the largest service provider companies in Duri City. PT. Mayatama Solusindo is considered successful in its business operations. However, the current employee salary calculation management is still done manually, which often results in errors in managing employee salary calculations. In addition, the salary calculation process also involves recording attendance data and manual calculations related to bonuses and deductions such as lateness, absence, and early departure, which accumulate as penalties deducted from employees' salaries.To address this issue, the design and development of an Employee Payroll Web-Based Application were undertaken at PT. Mayatama Solusindo. This system displays information such as employee data, salary slips, and financial reports for each period. There are admin users responsible for financial data management, branch managers who can view financial management activities, and employees who can mark attendance and view salary slips. This application was designed using the PHP programming language with the Laravel Framework, using MySQL database to store data, and the XAMPP Webserver.
