Monitoring Suhu Dan Kelembaban Ruangan Penyimpanan Kopi Liberika Dikepulauan Meranti Menggunakan Sensor DHT22

  • Muhammad Ridho Alfaridzi Mahasiswa
  • Tengku Musri Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis


In Indonesia, the intensity of temperature and humidity often fluctuates due to its tropical climate. The temperature in Indonesia tends to be high or hot and can vary drastically. In the Kepulauan Meranti Regency, the storage methods and knowledge about temperature and humidity for coffee storage are still limited, resulting in uncertainty about the suitable temperature and humidity levels to maintain the quality and flavor of the coffee. To address this issue, a Temperature and Humidity Monitoring System for Liberica coffee (coffea liberica) storage using the DHT22 temperature sensor is needed. This monitoring system leverages Internet of Things (IoT) technology, utilizing the Node MCU ESP8266 module and the DHT22 sensor. The Node MCU ESP8266 acts as the main controller, responsible for reading temperature and humidity data from the DHT22 sensor, and the monitoring can be accessed via a website. The main goal of this system is to provide knowledge and monitoring capabilities of the temperature and humidity in the Liberica coffee storage room.

Keywords: Liberica coffee, IoT, Temperature and Humidity, Node MCU ESP8266, DHT22.
