Aplikasi Pengelolaan Pemesanan Media Diskominfotik Bengkalis Bidang Sumber Daya Komunikasi dan Informasi Berbasis Website

  • Inka Virginia Siregar Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
  • Muhamad Nasir Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Keywords: Management of Media Orders, Microsoft Excel, website, PHP, Laravel, MySQL.


The need for information technology is very important for human life because the need to obtain data and information demanded at this time must be fast and accurate. The application of information technology in companies can make companies more productive and increase profits from these companies. One of the activities carried out in office management is data management activity. Currently managing media ordering data at the Bengkalis Diskominfotik field of Communication and Information Resources in the process of managing media ordering data still uses the Microsoft Excel application, so the data management process is still complicated, requires accuracy, and as a storage medium it is relatively insecure because it can be used by anyone. The purpose of this study is to design a website-based media ordering management application to provide convenience in managing media ordering data, namely daily print media, weekly print media, online infotorial media, online media galleries, radio and TV. The design of a media ordering management application at the Bengkalis discominfotik section of communication and information resources using the programming language using PHP with the Laravel Framework and MySQL as a database management system. From the test results show that the application can run well, such as features for ordering letters, reply letters, submitting orders, confirming schedules and managing media orders and being able to print pdfs.
