Aplikasi Aplikasi E - Document Guru dan Siswa Madrasah Aliyah Al-Huda Bengkalis Berbasis Website

  • Nur hasanah Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
  • wahyat wahyat Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Keywords: E-Document, Website, Framework Laravel


Document archives are needed in carrying out various school activities. This is because the documents stored as school archives are still done manually by recording the names and documents submitted in the ledger, then stored in the storage box. From this problem, a Website-Based E-Document Application for Teachers and Students of Madrasah Aliyah Al-Huda Bengkalis is proposed. This E-Document application is made using the PHP programming language and the Laravel 9 framework with MySql as a database. Furthermore, testing is carried out directly by the school or compatibility testing. From the test results, it can be concluded that on the operator side the data features of teachers, alumni, students, classes, infrastructure and print reports are successfully run properly, this application eases the burden on operators in archiving. While on the teacher and student side, the teacher and student data features were successfully run and as expected, this application makes it easier for teachers and students to input data and store documents, because they can be directly downloaded without going through the operator. In addition, on the principal side, the data features of teachers, alumni, students, classes and infrastructure are successfully displayed and can be monitored directly.
