Marketing Aspects of Nagetto Fish

Marketing Aspects of Nagetto Fish

  • Yuliana Yuli Ana Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
  • Yuliana Yuli Ana Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis


This final project is entitled marketing aspects of Nagetto Fish the purpose of this final project is to find out the STP Segmenting, Targeting, Positioning marketing strategy, Marketing Mix, constraints and solutions encountered while carrying out marketing activities for Nagetto Fish products. This final project uses 3 methods consisting of a project preparation plan, a project implementation plan, and a project accomplishment plan. The result of the implementation of this thesis is a marketing strategy using the STP (segmenting, targeting, positioning) method. The marketing mix uses the 4p method, products in the form of Nagetto Fish, prices using the mark up pricing method, promotions through social media (WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook)/directly, product marketing process with a pre-order system and direct marketing by delivering at least 10k pcs. Business owners here must be friendly and responsive in serving consumers. If there is damage to the product, the business owner will replace a new product free of charge. The obstacle faced was that the product did not last long. The solution is to implement a marketing strategy and implement a pre-order system so that the product sells optimally. Implementation of this final project starts from August 3 to October 23 2022. The Nagetto Fish Completion Project is sold at IDR 1000/pcs with a profit of IDR 1,752,200.

