Business Planning And Production Crispy Bread (Marketing Aspect)

  • endang yulianti Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
  • Yunelly Asra Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis


This final project is entitled business planning and production of Crispy Bread. The purpose of this final project is to find out the marketing strategy, marketing mix, constraints and solutions encountered during the process of implementing this final project. This final project uses 3 methods consisting of project preparation plans, project implementation plans and project completion plans. The results of the implementation of this final project, marketing strategy with segmenting, targeting, and positioning methods. The marketing mix uses the 4p method: products in the form of Crispy Bread, prices using the cost plus pricing method, promotions using social media (whatsapp business, facebook and instagram). Distribution of products through intermediaries and direct sales with a delivery order system.The obstacle faced was the difficulty of finding shops that would accept Crispy Bread products because the product's durability was not that durable. The solution is to implement a marketing and promotional strategy on social media so that the product sells optimally. The implementation of this final project starts from August 8 to October 28 2022. The completion of the Crispy Bread project was sold at IDR 10,000 with a profit of IDR 1,775,000.
