Evaluasi dan Desain Ulang Jembatan Beton Bertulang T-Girder Menggunakan SNI 1725-2016 (Studi Kasus: Jembatan Tj.Kapal-Batu Panjang Kec.Rupat)

  • M. Jefinda Mayendra Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
  • Alamsyah Alamsyah Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
  • Juli Ardita Pribadi Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Keywords: Redesign, SNI, Bridge, Reinforced Concrete.


The bridge is a construction structure that allows to connect a transportation route that is separated by obstacles such as rivers, valleys, irrigation channels and even connect between islands that are quite far apart. In this final assignment writing will refer to SNI 1725- 2016 concerning the loading for bridges and SNI T-02-2005 on planning concrete structures for bridges. The results of the evaluation and redesign were obtained girder beams for flexural reinforcement obtained tensile reinforcement 12D32 mm and 3D32 compressive reinforcement, while the D13-150 mm shear reinforcement and body reinforcement were obtained 6D13 mm. Diaphragm beam obtained by tensile reinforcement 4D22 mm and 3D22 compressive reinforcement, while shear reinforcement D13-100 mm and body reinforcement obtained 2D13 mm. The bridge floor is obtained from the main reinforcement D16-150 mm, and reinforcement for longitudinal or longitudinal shrinkage D13-200 mm. The sidewalk slab obtained D13-150 mm main reinforcement, and reinforcement or longitudinal shrinkage D13-130 mm. Railing walls obtained reinforcement for flexural reinforcement D13 mm, and reinforcement for or longitudinal shrinkage D8-150 mm. The budget plan is obtained at Rp. 3,891,600,000.
