Simple solution to mastering business english before proficient english for BISPRO student

  • Wulan - Nazari Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
  • Halim Dwi Putra Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Keywords: Business English, Can Speak Business English Simply, and Improve English Language Skills.


Currently English is an international language and we are required to be able to use English well, especially in the business field. Business English is a form of English that needs to be honed and deepened. This is because business English is indispensable in careers and the world of work. This study aims to find out what solutions or factors can take steps in mastering business English before being fluent in English for BISPRO students (English for Business Communication and Professionals). This research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Data is obtained through the internet and websites that provide the required information. Techniques for data collection using documentation techniques. Namely by collecting data. The results of this study show some solution to mastering business English before becoming proficient in English for BISPRO students which includes (7) solutions, namely: 1) Determining the purpose of learning business English 2) Finding the motivation to learn business English 3) Making ourselves like and love English 4) Understanding the basics in English 5) Enriching vocabulary, especially English vocabulary 6) Practice speaking in front of a mirror 7) Reviewing business English before bed and after waking up. From the results of the study, it is recommended for friends who want to master business English, especially BISPRO study students, to apply the solutions given above to be able to master and enjoy the English language lecture process, especially in the business field.
