Sistem Informasi Presensi Kehadiran Warga Sekolah di SMK Swagaya 2 Dengan Menerapkan RFID Tag Berbasis Website

  • Putu Samuel Prihatmajaya STIKOM Yos Sudarso
  • Clara Adelia Fransiska STIKOM Yos Sudarso
  • Elisabeth Pernada STIKOM Yos Sudarso
Keywords: system, information, attendance, RFID , website


Population data processing is an important activity that is carried out continuously by the SMK Swagaya 2 . When the current system often encounters difficulties in the attendance process, finding duplicate data for absences because they forget that they have been absent and then absent again, waste paper used. The purpose of this study is to build an attendance system at SMK Swagaya 2. The Attendance Information System uses RFID where the user uses a tag card that can detect data about the person. The research used observation and interview data collection methods. The software used to access this information is Sublime Text and Microsoft SQL Xampp, PHP Myadmin, Chrome. The development of an information system is expected to help SMK Swagaya 2 in processing data for Principals, Employees or Teachers, Students during attendance, reducing paper waste and paper wasting and can shorten operating time. With the existence of storage media in the form of a good database, it is expected to increase the efficiency of the SMK Swagaya 2 section with an attendance information system, which is faster and the application used can provide convenience for users.
