Perhitungan Teknis dan Ekonomi Pembangunan Kapal Ikan 3gt Konstruksi Frp Metode Hand Lay Up

  • nurul hasmah syahwati kerjasama
  • Budhi Santoso Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
  • Muhammad Helmi Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Keywords: fiberglass fishing boat, hand lay up, economical, BEF


The purpose of this research is to obtain technical and economic calculations for the construction of a 3gt fishing boat with the hand lay up construction method using the BEF calculation. The process of making fishing vessels with FRP construction is made with initial capital in the form of molds or molds to form fishing vessels. Fishery resources can be seen as one component of the fisheries ecosystem that acts as a production factor and is needed to produce an output that has economic value both now and in the future. The main size of the ship is Overall Length: 9.5 m, width 1.8 m, height 1.00 m, draft 0.5 m, block coefficient, 0.476, then from the simulation results it is known that the resistance value is 2.1 kN with a power of 22.123 HP at a ship speed of 12 knots. The thickness of the layers used in the construction of the keel, bottom, side walls, and decks is 7 layers with a Gelcoat arrangement, MAT-WR-MAT-WR-MAT-WR-MAT. Based on the economic calculation of the operational feasibility of the fishing vessel in Bengkalis waters, it was concluded that the total catch was 105 kg/week. The ship's income is Rp. 76.400.000,- per year, with a npv value of 6% Rp. 286.950,- for the 3rd year.
