Penjernihan Air Metode Filterisasi Pipa Bersusun menggunakan Abu Cangkang Sawit Sebagai alternatif Pengganti Arang Kayu (Studi Kasus : Air sumur Bor di Bantan Air)

  • Mhd Kiki Rezki Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Keywords: Water Purification, Stacked Pipe, Palm Oil Shell Ash


In this study, researchers used Palm Oil Shell Ash as a substitute for Wood Charcoal.
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the use of oil palm shell ash in
the filtration process on the physical characteristics (clarity, pH, odor and taste) in bore well
water in Bantan Air Village.
The method used in this study is a layered pipe filtering method with a PVC pipe as a
water filter with the composition of the material in the pipe firstly, Palm Shell Ash 30 cm,
gravel 30 cm, for the second pipe 30 cm sand, 30 cm palm fiber, the third pipe is 30 cm
gravel, 30 cm sand, and each layer of filtering material is given foam/sponge to limit the
material from being mixed.
Researchers took water samples every day for one week, then compared with
unfiltered water samples, the water before filtered had a pH of 6.75 and the water after being
filtered has an average pH of 7.95, and the water discharge before being filtered is 1.5 liters
15 seconds, and the sample after being filtered is 100 seconds. it can be concluded that there
is a decrease in the discharge of the filtered water, meanwhile the color of the water changes
from cloudy to lighter and the pH of the water decreases.
