Perancangan Sistem Kelistrikan Untuk Perangkap Hama UV Light Trapping Tenaga Surya Dua Tingkat

  • Berlianti Berlianti Politeknik Negeri Padang
  • Rahmi Berlianti Politeknik Negeri Padang
  • Dasrul Dasrul Politeknik Negeri Padang
Keywords: Ultra violet light trapping, 2 stages, solar plant, lights up, load capacity


Plant pests including bug that wilted plants can be caught by using ultra violet light trapping which is powered by solar plant. To increase light capacity without replacing its solar plant and to avoid decreasing of lights up time, it will be built 2 stages of ultra violet light trapping. This research aims to design the electricity system of this 2 stages in order to reach its maximum load power and long time period of lights up and completed with over drain battery protection. It is found that for 20 Wp solar cells and 7.2 Ah of battery capacity the maximum load power of ultra violet led is 6.59 watts each stage and lights up time for 13,32 hours. It is suitable for lamp lights up from 18.00 wib until 06.00 Wib.
