Arduino Based Control and Remote Control System Programming For Cessna 172 Towing Tug Aircraft

  • Rezza Triyana Politeknik Negeri Bandung
  • Singgih Satrio Wibowo Politeknik Negeri Bandung
Keywords: Towing Tug, Programming, Remote Control, Arduino Uno


Towing tug is one type of modern towing. This towing tug can push and pull the aircraft towards the hangar or apron even though it has a small size. It is controlled using a remote control. The control of the 2° of freedom movement on the towing tug needs to be programmed, so it can be connected to the remote control which will produce the movement command that we want. The program uses arduino uno as a processing input signal to be output on the towing tug. the programming of towing tug 2° of freedom movement that this final project uses is arduino ide software, with the result that towing tug moves according to the command from the remote control. Towing tug can run at speeds of 0.04 m/s to 0.23 m/s with no-load conditions and 0.12 m/s to 0.20 m/s with load-bearing conditions, where the load used is the weight of humans. My hope in this final project can make it easier when moving the cessna 172 aircraft in the aeronautical engineering hangar.

