Sistem Pemetaan Kawasan Pertanian Berbasis Geographic Information System

  • Nur Kholis Jurusan Teknik Informatika
  • Desi Amirullah Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Keywords: Agricultural, Googlemaps, Geographic Information System


Along with the development of technology today, an Information System is needed to facilitate humans in a new approach taken to perfect and develop technology, especially to get fast, precise, and accurate geographic information. Because the information on this agricultural area will make it easier for the people in the Selatbaru Village area, where the majority of the population works as farmers. The Agricultural Mapping System Able to display data on the distribution of agricultural areas and commodities in around Selatbaru Village. This system is built with Codeigniter framework and Google Maps API. This mapping system has the advantage of being able to provide interactive information. Users can view location data and detailed information from the land on the map page, starting from the type of commodity, agricultural area, and the marker of the location of agricultural area in Selatbaru Village.
