Analisa Rancang Bangun Alat Monitoring Daya Listrik pada Ruangan Di Gedung Elektro Menggunakan Arduino Mega 2560 Berbasis SMS

  • Windi Windi
  • Stephan Stephan Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Keywords: Arduino Mega 2560, SD Card Module, SCT013, the voltage sensor ZMPT101B, monotoring power.


Today, electrical energy has become one of the primary needs of humans in all environments whether at home, work places, factories, and many more equires electrical energy. Every year, electricity consumption continues increase, and also the depletion of oil reserves that have an impact on the fuel price hike and certainly affect the basic electricity tariff (BET) PLN, which in turn makes the electrical energy into something expensive. here themonitoring of electrical power was needed, so that power consumption can be monitored easily and know the chronic use of unconventional. a study before the project used the monitoring system power on a kwh meter 1 phase and control system on/off via sms module and showed Concepts monitoring and control system via SMS with GSM/GPRS. In the end of the project was made, The system was developed based on microcontroller Arduino Mega 2560. In controlling, the system uses a GSM module for memonitoring SIM800l electric power used while the sensor is a current sensor and a voltage sensor ZMPT101B and SCT013. The system is equipped with DS3231 RTC to record the time. in real time that are stored in the SD Card module.
