Rancang Bangun Kursi Roda Elektrik Menggunakan Joystick

  • Mawardi Mawardi
  • Jefri Lianda Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
Keywords: Joystick, Arduino, battery voltage, battery.


Many people have limited movement in carrying out daily activities. Limitations of this movement can be physical disability, injury, or caused by diseases that attack humans. The wheelchair that was previously manually driven using hand strength or with the help of others, has now been developed into a wheelchair by adding a motor as a driving device and joystick as a wheelchair control device. This system works to help people with disabilities on their feet to move from one place to another. Both from flat and uphill conditions. This tool is equipped with a motor drive system on the guide button (joystick). Electric wheelchairs are able to execute 5 commands, namely forward, backward, right, left and stop with a percentage of success of 80% -90%. Electric wheelchairs are capable of braking when obstacles in front, behind, on the right and on the left with a success percentage of 100% and the average braking time is 2.4 seconds, 3 seconds, 2.2 seconds and 2.3 seconds. Electric wheelchairs use 12 Volt 3.5Ah batteriess.
